3 Worrying Signs of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Dealing With Poor Indoor Air Quality

The average homeowner in Coconut Creek, FL, spends 90% of their time indoors. With the rise of remote jobs, this number could be even higher. Unfortunately, indoor air is often two to five times more polluted than outdoor air. Watch for these three worrying signs of poor indoor air quality so that you can act quickly to resolve them right away:

Unpleasant Odors

One of the first signs you might notice is unpleasant odors. This could arise from biological contaminants, poor ventilation or chemical pollutants. If you find yourself constantly trying to get rid of a musty, stale or pungent smell in your home, determine the source so that you can eliminate it and improve your indoor air quality.

Excess Dust and Dirt

Your air conditioner should reduce dirt and other particles in the air. AC equipment has a filter that captures particles and prevents them from re-entering your home. If you constantly find yourself cleaning your home’s surfaces because of excess dust and dirt, your air conditioner’s filter likely needs changing. To keep your indoor air quality at a healthy level, change your AC filter every 30-90 days.

Respiratory Issues

Poor indoor air quality can also result in respiratory issues, such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing and difficulty breathing. In some cases, it can trigger asthma symptoms or even cause new allergies in people who previously didn’t suffer from them.

Embracing the importance of indoor air quality is necessary for a healthy, vibrant and comfortable living environment. If you suspect you’re dealing with poor IAQ, reach out to SJS Mechanical LLC. We carry and install a range of highly effective solutions to clean the air in your house and balance its humidity levels, ensuring your air is healthy to breathe. We also offer air conditioning services for your comfort and peace of mind.

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